Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Wednesday 6 May


  1. I love your hat Mrs Smith. Whacky Wednesday sounds fun.
    This week is whizzing by!
    I was helping deliver my daughter's papers yesterday and I got caught in the rain! It was quite chilly too. Autumn has definitely arrived!
    Enjoy your Google Meet Video calls today Mrs Smith.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Morning Mrs Smith and Rm 8,
    I hope you have been enjoying your video meets. I bet you are loving seeing everyone again. Have a great day!
    From Miss Fullard and Harry

  3. Hi Mrs Smith, Aiden loves your wacky hat! Thank you for the story and we look forward to seeing you on the Google Meet.

  4. Good Morning Mrs Smith. Jake says "thank you for reading the story". Love Jake.

  5. Mrs Monaghan6/5/20 10:52 am

    I love your hat Mrs Smith, definitely whacky Wednesday!! There is quite a chilly wind out today, but sunny. I hope your google meet video calls are going well I'm sure room 8 are enjoying seeing Miss White and yourself.

  6. Hi Mrs Smith,
    I love your funny hat and enjoyed listening to the story.
    Thank you Mrs Smaill

  7. You are so funny Mrs Smith you made me laugh out loud! It is not only a wacky Wednesday but a Wild and Windy Wacky Wednesday! I think when you have a sentence that starts with lots of letters the same is call ALLITERATION! Have a w-w-w-w-w-w-onderful day!

  8. Very cool hat Mrs Smith. Great challenges to get the brain thinking. I think the leaves are magnificent, vividly coloured and spectacular. Lovely idea to make something for Mother's Day.

  9. Mrs Churchill6/5/20 3:46 pm

    Thanks Mrs Smith for helping us all with learning our days of the week. I love the beautiful autumn coloured leaves you collected...they would be great for doing leaf rubbings with.
    Hope your Google meets went well.
