Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Distance Learning - Tuesday 12 May


  1. Good Morning Miss White
    We must think the same, as Room 10 are going to wear hats tomorrow.
    I hope Room 8 students practise their GEMS, helping their families around the home.
    Take care, Mrs Smaill

  2. Good Morning Miss White and Room 8. I hope you all have great Google Meets today especially with your creative hats!! Looking forward to seeing what Room 8 get up to this week with their distance learning.
    Miss Robertson

  3. Room 9a had fun on our Google Meets today. Miss Robertson suggested we wore something on our heads and I wore a monkeys face which is a pyjama case! I spoke in monkey too! Ooh, ooh, ooh!
    Maybe you could take a photo of your Google Meet with you all in your hats Room 8.
    From Mrs Burge
