Thursday, 7 May 2020

Distance Learning - Thursday 7 May


  1. I'm not sure why the video wasn't working Miss White.
    I have my slippers on and I even have the fire on!!!
    I'm taking my soft toy Miss Piggy to our Google Meet today! Ha ha ha ha!
    I'm pleased you don't have a wiggly tooth, that would be a problem!
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Morning Miss White. I too have my slippers on. Emerson's Lego City sounds amazing. Perhaps you could share a photo?

  3. Hello Miss White! It sure is getting chilly! I am wearing my scarf inside! Emerson's lego city sounds awesome, I love that she has included a SPCA. Looking forward to seeing what room 8 get up today! I hope you have a great day and enjoy your Google Meets!
    Miss Robertson

  4. Emmerson's lego city sounds amazing, could you share a picture of it? Samuel from Room 22 had a wiggle tooth on our Google Meet yesterday and then he pulled it out! Have a great day. From Miss Stuhlmann

  5. Hello Miss White thanks for the video message, Aiden is getting used to checking in on them now and getting ready for the Google Meets. Lego City sounds fun! Have a great afternoon.

  6. I'm wrapped up nice and warm too now that the weather is cooling. Sometimes it feels warmer out in the autumn sunshine than it does inside. The math challenge to complete some activities against the clock sounds like a great way to keep warm and if you repeat it another time you could try to beat your previous score.

  7. Yes, the weather has suddenly got cooler and I've got my slippers on too. I would love to see a photo of Emmerson's lego city. It sounds like a mansion! Toby is Room 10 has just lost his second front tooth too. Have a fun day, Room 8. From Mrs Smaill
