Friday, 28 August 2020

Friday 28 August - HAPPY DAFFODIL DAY!


  1. Yes what a beautiful morning it is Miss White. I am definately going to head out also and enjoy this sunshine on Daffodil day.
    I look forward to seeing you and Rm8 back at school on Monday!

  2. Morning Miss White, I hope the sun stays shinning today. Hopefully you and Emmerson had a good scoot around before your Google Meet this morning. Happy Daffodil day!
    Miss Robertson

  3. Happy Daffodil Day! Make the most of the sunshine while it lasts.
    Can't wait to see you all back at school on Monday.
    Mrs Smaill :)

  4. The weather is beautiful so hopefully we can all get outside before we head back to school on Monday. I can't wait to see your happy, smiley faces.
    From Mrs Burge
