Thursday, 30 April 2020

Distance Learning - 30 April


  1. Wishing Jennifer a very happy 6th birthday - it will certainly be one that she recalls in the years to come! I'm also amazed by the quality and amount of work Room 8 are completing from the slide deck and look forward to seeing some of the fruit and veggie artwork next week. My daughter and I have been trying out some healthy breakfast muffins and smoothie recipes to give us a boost of energy for our very busy days.

  2. Aw Miss White, it is always frustrating when we have technology issues!
    Happy birthday Jennifer.
    I need my girls to stop baking as I keep eating it!
    Fruit and vegetable people sound fun. Will Emmerson be making some?
    From Mrs Burge

  3. Hello Miss White, thanks for the message today. The pizza dough we have made has definitely been a winner in this household over the last few weeks. Aiden has accepted today's challenge and made a couple of fruit and vegetable people, then he and his sister ate most of the bits of them for afternoon tea! Have a great weekend.

  4. Blake Wilson30/4/20 5:41 pm

    We had fun making our kumara men!

  5. Blake Wilson30/4/20 5:42 pm

    Happy Birthday to Jennifer
