Thursday, 16 April 2020

Day 2 of Distance Learning


  1. Jillian (Anna's Mum)16/4/20 9:58 am

    Banana loaf sounds yum! Anna and I made vanilla muffins with chocolate chips in. She has been working on a poster of the solar system, hope to send it later!

  2. Enjoy the banana loaf Miss White and Emmerson. How many shapes did you find on your shape hunt? From Mrs Burge

  3. Banana loaf and dancing on Go Noodle. You have been busy Miss White. Anna you muffins sound delicious

  4. Hello Miss White, thank you for your message, Aiden was stoked to hear his name. We are doing something different today, we have added the distance learning activities to our daily schedule so Aiden knows what to expect and when. This has worked well so far and will send some of what he has been up to later. Thank you and have a nice afternoon.

  5. stella 's Dad16/4/20 2:08 pm
    Rain day can not have outside activity,only stay and indoor activity.
